Just as a started to go through my favorite people in the world withdrawal (this is after Jen left. And yes, she is one of my favorite people) it was time for Mom to come!
It started a gorgeous Thursday morning and I dragged my self out of bed. You see, I have class at 11 so getting to the airport by around 10:30 was a bit of a challenge, and I have gotten quite used to the Mediterranean leisurely lifestyle. Anywhooo, I finally get to the bus that brings you to the airport at around quarter to ten, lo and behold Mom’s dumb flight gets in early… just after 10 o’clock! That’s just rude; don’t they know a daughter is trying to surprise her Momma at the airport? See, she had told me not to meet her, just meet her at the hotel. I kept up the façade that I was meeting her there until I go to the airport because I figured I could still make it, and I did!!!!! The hotel was quite cute, despite have issues getting them to do simple things like tell us how to turn the lights on, but hey, who needs lights anyway. After we settled in (I moved into the hotel with her for the weekend) we were off.
Now, I might be a bit rusty on the full schedule of the weekend, its been three weeks, but I am sure she’ll correct me ☺.
We started out with a walk around where I live, Barri Gotic, Born, and over to La Rambla. Similar to Jen’s visit, when I didn’t know hat something was I just said it was Roman. That night we ate dinner at a restaurant, Princessa 23, don the street from the hotel that I had been to before. Again, it was delicious… don’t worry you’ll see the pictures. We had nachos, tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelet), and pan con tomate (bread with a tomato/olive oil paste). It was delicious. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S. The nachos were amazing, we concluded that what makes good nachos is when you can enjoy the plain chips just as much as when they are covered in cheese, tomatoes and delicious chili sauce (which we inhaled immediately). Then we were back to the hotel for a relaxing night, and baths of course.
Next we started we a nice cup of coffee, croissants, and juice. Then (I think) we went over and did the ceramics museum, which is in a cute little park… there is a picture of Mom and I there in front of a fountain, but the dopes took the picture about a football field away. It was super cool, ceramics from all over Spain, including some modern ones…. I saved you from the excessive amount of photos I took for ideas. Then we went back over to Plaza Catalunya and walked up Passeig de Gracia, which is Barcelona’s Newbury Street but BIGGER, and we were able to see Gaudi’s building, Casa Batlo, and la Pedrera (I am probably not spelling them right, despite being here for four months). We were extra extraño (strange) on this day. I was able to get Mom to get a pair of nice dark, sharp jeans (This is a quite a feat, I don’t know if you are familiar with here sassy, ripped ones). We got another delicious, and totally reasonable meal at Obama Bar. This is where I went to watch the inauguration and their sandwiches are delicious. We finally reached Gaudi’s buildings, and mom was in love. That night we went to my dorm so I could make dinner... red wine, salad, spinach and mushrooms, and salmon. Finally, I can cook! Then we went to my favorite bar/lounge and had a glass of wine (there is a picture of it, I took Jen there too). Then we were back home for more baths and sleepy time.
Now one of these days we did chocolate and churros, which were delicious and walked around the neighborhood. There is a cathedral in the neighborhood, one that actually isn’t usually open to go into, but it was this time and they were selling tickets to a acoustic Spanish guitar concert they were going to have in their chapel that night. It was amazing! The guitarist was in his own world and it was the best setting, amazing acoustics and intimate (try and find the song Asturias and imagine what I am describing—if you can’t find it, it’s on the Vicky, Christina, Barcelona soundtrack). Oh, and I think it was Thursday night…my bad.
On Saturday morning we went to a little café/patisseria that I have been intrigued by called Caemus. A lot of the goods they sell there are made in a monastery. They had a table full of delicious treats. We finally decided on an almond cookie, with a nice glaze on it, marzipan cake, and something else I can’t quite remember (hopefully Mom can help me out here). I’m not sure in which order, but after Caemus we went to the Picasso museum and to some cathedrals, we were able to get into the cloister at the major cathedral in Barcelona, it was amazing (the pictures with the geese). The Picasso museum was nice.and I discovered the ceramics room, which I had missed before. We had tapas outside my favorite cathedral…the picture with bread sticks and potatoes. They weren’t your typical patatas bravas, at least in my opinion, but they were amazing, from this little place called Bubo. Then we met a cat named Hombre (which means man), he was super big and old and just sat there next to his owner, unfazed by the crowds of people, For dinner that night we went to another spot I really like, La Rosa Negra, they have really good mojitos, but we got nachos and margaritas… I got a quesadilla (delish as usual). Sunday, I was finally able to get mom into the BIG CATHEDRAL. We waited until Sunday because not only can you go to mass, but also you can get in without paying, two good things. After we went and got breakfast outside, close by. Don’t worry there is a picture of this too. We got eggs (a rarity for breakfast here), croissants and coffees. Then we packed up out of the hotel room (since it was her last day), and brought everything to my dorm and spent the rest of the day at the beach. It was a beautiful day, not too hot or too windy, which can happen a lot at the beach here. We took a long walk down the beach, starting by the old Olympic apartments, near my end and walked down to Barceloneta, which is near the end of La Rambla. I got a nice old man’s hat, its very sassy (there are pictures of this, too). Then we got foccaccia pizza (no, I don’t know how to spell it), a piece of blueberry (?) pie, and two cappuccinos. So delicious. We also saw a girl in my year from Scituate sunbathing in her bra...interesting.
Then it was time to say bye-bye! But don’t you worry; they are coming to fetch me in June ☺.
Besitos para todos.