MIGHTY detergent-a little bitty bottle...but it does stain spotting (a life saver for me, so i can do less full loads of laundry)
Two greeting cards with sassy cats on them, maybe ill send them and maybe I wont!
HEADBANDS! Sparkly one!!!!
MY BOOTS! It was like a child coming home to me, now I understand how much you all much miss me ;)
A pair of earings, now i can lok like stylish homeless person.
Pink toilet paper!
Is it a sad day when you gat really exciting bout toilet paper? I think not, and I know my sister understand (and the rest of the family atleast accepts it). I have stolen, I mean borrowed, toilet paper from every restaurant and hotel/hostel I have stayed in (minus Amsterdam). It was a big deal when i ran out of toilet paper and instead of taking it from the University, where they

Fattty got a package today!!foolishly don't lock their dispensers like in America, I went to.... THE SUPERMARKET. Now its big because, if I have to by something, I'll try the euro store first. I was able to get some plush TP with pink flowers for my special visitor (Jen), I usually use the equivalent of a thin paper bag, double-ply. But, you see getting not only name brand toilet paper, but toilet paper that is soft and pink, is glorious. I'll spare you any further details, but pink TP is a VIP for aesthetic and other reasons.
My pasta is boiling over.
Sort of like that bathtub flood I had yesterday, OMG. I'm sitting on bed yesterday half blogging, half working on a little paper. After bit I notice, I don't know, Like a weird slidingy, trickly noise... and I am like..... shit. It ahd happened before, twice, but never to this magnitude. The water was literally flowing out of the bathroom, wich is had already filly with a quarter inch of water. PANIC. But no, I so used to painicky things like this happening here, I don't panic anymore. Luckily I had to huge towels
Now, I don't want some other special things to be lost in all the flood and TP excitment, lke another package i got from my sissy-poo. It was glorious, aside form the beautiful cards (which I provided for selfish purposes) with nice little drawings of sun, that I thought she might hae hada three old do (JK JEN), but thats beside the point. A USB DRIVE, full to the brim with shows!!! Now, for those of you who don't, my internet in ym residencia is complete rubbish, R-U-B-B-I-S-H. I can barely use skype to text chat, let alone video or voice. So you can see how its exceedingly hard to download any shows to watch, on those nice breezy nights when everyone is out partying and I'm , well, not. My hero, plain and simple. Also, my plethora of chocolate and easter candy has helped me impress some people and abuse the rule of supply and demand, GAINING POWER TO DOMINATE ALLLLLL...or just bring some with me when I am hanging with Spanish speakers, especially non-spanish ones, that don;t really get easter sometimes, but totally get delicious chocolate.
Okay, time to eat lunchy. Besitos. And I'll tell you all about Malaga soon.
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