Despite all the class I feel like I have sometimes, I still have time to do beach, mostly because I live ten minutes from it. I finally got my class completely sorted out. It is ASTOUNDING how inept the people at the university can be sometimes, and I never thought I would miss the bureaucracy of BC and the US in general. Bureaucracy can be manipulated, despite how shitty it can be… when people plain don’t give a crap ( which can be said for bureaucracy too, I suppose) and take their sweet-ass time, nothing gets done.

Their superiors don’t care, so you can’t go above them, if you can even figure out who that ‘superior’ is. Just so you know, I took a HUGE role of toilet paper as revenge...mwa ah ah ahhh. Please note how it is as big as my head. Anywho, finally got it figured out, despite missing the first two weeks of one class because 1) They don’t post room assignments online they are on huge boards in one of the lobby, horribly organized and in Catalan, 2) No one responds to e-mail so figuring out who when and where becomes very difficult 3) They put me in the Catalan art history class not the Castellano/Spanish one and 4) they put me in a class with a time conflict, because apparently they really don’t take attendance or have functioning scheduling programs. So, I am at least interested in the topic (or what I understand of what the professor says), now that I can get to the class. It’s funny how such small accomplished make being abroad feel easier, probably because those small things can just be so difficult to get done sometimes. So I may or may not fail this art history course, but at least I finally know how to hassle Spaniards to get results, work the copying machine (since I had to copy a random person’s notes from class), and I have the balls to say “Lo siento, pero no se” (Sorry, but I don’t know) when this intense but nice professor calls on you at random.
Now, I can just come home and do some sassy origami that was sent to me, yummmmmmyyy, and decorate my room

Besitos para todos y os hecho de menos muchisimo!
I think one of your next blog posts should be a top 5 or 10 list of your favorite or most interesting things that you got in a package.